winatalent estimation

Use WINaTALENT Estimation for Successful Software Development

According to G. Rajkumar and Dr.K.Alagarsamy, "most software projects fail completely or partially because a small number of projects meet all their requirements. These requirements can be the cost, schedule, quality, or requirements objectives".The most common factors for the failure of the software development project. The International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (TIJCSA),...
scrum master vs project manager

Scrum Master Vs. Project Manager: Differences & Similarities

No matter what kind of project you are going to get done, a project manager or the PM is the power player you want in your team. Another name that will come up while deciding on your project’s methodology and management roles is the Scrum Master or the SM. This post will discuss the differences between a Scrum Master and a project manager and help you decide which one you would need on your...
adapt to agile

Adapt to Agile With WINaTALENT

"THE FUTURE IS EVEN MORE AGILE. "According to the 14th Annual State of Agile Report, over half of their 40000 Agile executives, practitioners, and consultants, who have participated in the State of Agile survey since its inception, are either currently implementing Agile values or are planning to adapt to Agile.  But there are still questions you might ask yourself.  How can you adapt...
scrun vs kanban

Agile in Details: Scrum and Kanban

Agile methodology is a collaborative, self-organizing, and cross-functional approach to completing work and its requirements and developing a software or an app. Kanban and Scrum are both considered types of Agile.  The goal of project management methodologies is to facilitate the complication of a project and help both the founder and the development team to deliver a better final...
costumer review

A Review on WINaTALENT Software Project Estimation Service

As someone who wants to build a startup or develop an app in 2021, you most definitely heard about lean startup methodology and agile project estimation techniques. By searching around these topics, project estimation and software project estimation services are some keywords you will come upon very early.  WINaTALENT offers an exceptional software/app estimation service. Software estimation is...
software development time estimation

Time Estimation in Software Development

Accurate time estimation is vital to every software project's success. This information enables developers to give their clients immediate and accurate status reports on different completed or ongoing tasks. But even though project management and estimations have been around for decades, most software projects still fail to meet the finish line on time. A study published in Harward Business...
software development effort estimation

Effort Estimation in Software Development Projects

Effort estimation is one of the initial steps in software development projects. Despite its complexity, when performed right, effort estimation creates a basis for all subsequent stages related to project planning and management. What exactly is effort estimation? Why do it at all? There are three main factors when planning and estimating a software development project:...
agile project estimation and techniques

Agile Project Estimation and Techniques

Project estimation is crucial to successfully plan and manage a project and deliver a desirable product. Inaccurate estimates may lead to a jumbled schedule, leave the developing team dissatisfied, and drive costumers away. Project estimation in software developments usually happens on two levels:  1. A high-level estimation The available information is rather general and limited in the...
remote teams and agile

Remote Team Management and Agile

Remote teams are becoming increasingly common in the modern workplace, and for compelling reasons. Remote workers are reportedly more motivated and productive compared to the employees who commute. Businesses also improve their employer value proposition (EVP) by allowing their employees to work remotely. Read more about remote work's benefits on another post. But despite how...
epic and user story

What Are Epic and User Story in Agile Methodology

Let's say you're planning on developing a new software; you'll need to get everything down and plan things out from the largest objectives to the smallest details. Every software project needs to be structured accurately; and forming epics, themes, and user stories is a way to do that. But before we thoroughly define what each of these terms means: A bit on scope estimation and project...