
Hire best Ruby Developers

You literally cannot find elsewhere!

WINaTALENT is your go-to talent marketplace for finding top Ruby developers. Our pre-vetted network connects you to skilled Ruby on Rails experts who can build robust web applications. Hire freelance Ruby developers with confidence. You can save significant time, money, and effort by using our platform to find the right talent.


We Search
We Search

We search among our talent pool based on your requirements

We Shortlist
We Shortlist

We tailor a shortlist based on your requirements

You Hire
You Hire

You can directly interview and hire your ideal candidate

Hear From Our Clients

Ehsan Shariati

Functionland (Toronto, ON, Canada)

We used Winatalent for our react-native project at Functionland, and really happy that I gave it a try. We had used Upwork and Freelancer with 4 unsuccessful attempts for the same project before turning to Winatalent. The level of expertise we received from the developer was much higher than what we got from other platforms for the same amount of money. Moreover, the personalized support we received from their team during the process was invaluable. I extremely recommend using Winatalent and will definitely use it for my future projects.


Elias Shahi

Gram Games / Zynga (Istanbul, Turkey)

I am really impressed by the quality of services I received from WINaTALENT. They were right on schedule, charged reasonable prices, were professional and courteous in dealings, and delivered items well before time. Their pipeline was so smooth and simple so that everyone with any level of knowledge can be their client no matter what the project is.


Mehrsa Raeiszadeh


WINaTALENT platform helped us with hiring a remote UI/UX designer to join our startup in Canada, and we could find a very hard-working and very dedicated candidate from the shortlist they provided for us. It’s been a few months now that we're working with winatalent and they've been able to handle our financial transactions and payments to the talent without any problems. Also, their customer success team is very professional and responsive and I'm sure anyone working with them will be in great hands! Highly recommended.


Behzad Bani

Setflow (Italy)

I've been using Winatalent for quite some time, and it has truly been a game-changer.  The team behind it is remarkably committed and professional, providing support throughout the entire hiring process.  They swiftly handle any challenges, always ensuring an efficient, smooth experience. The most impressive aspect, however, is the quality of talent available.  The platform is filled with skilled individuals ready to make a difference in your team.


How to hire Ruby Developers through WINaTALENT

Talk to One of Our Tech Recruiters
Talk to One of Our Tech Recruiters

One of WINaTALENT's tech Recruiters will have a meeting with you to understand your technical and cultural needs.

Review Our Hand-Selected Shortlist
Review Our Hand-Selected Shortlist

Within days, we'll send you 1-3 hand-selected shortlists for your requirement.

Start working with your new talent
Start working with your new talent

Work with your talent and use our Escrow account to pay only when the work is delivered

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What is so different about WINaTALENT talents?
A: We have gathered over 30,000 verified talents in our talent pool. These individuals offer more than just expertise and competitive rates; they are experienced problem solvers and challenge takers. In our talent acquisition process, we've specifically curated this group of talents. For more information, please visit our About Us page.
Q:What are the steps to hire Ruby Developers From WINaTALENT?
A:When you begin hiring through WINaTALENT, you’ll work with a tech recruiter to identify your technical and non-technical requirements. Within approximately seven days, we will provide you with a shortlist of handpicked talents that you can evaluate and interview. We will continue shortlisting until you find the right talent
Q:How much does it take to hire Ruby Developers From WINaTALENT?
A:You’ll receive the first set of shortlisted talents (between 1-3 profiles) in about 7 days. If none of them are the right match, we’ll keep the shortlisting process until you find the ideal talent.
Q:How is hiring Ruby Developers From WINaTAENT a no-risk process?
A:When you hire Ruby Developers From WINaTALENT, you pay into WINaTALENT’s Escrow account for your milestones with the talent. You only release funds for a milestone once it has been fully delivered.
Q:Does WINaTALENT handles the payments to the talent?
A:Yes, you make all your payments to WINaTALENT. Once a milestone is completed and you release the funds, they will be transferred to the talent's wallet.

Ruby developers for hire

Hiring freelance Ruby developers is a great way to get expertise in building Ruby on Rails web apps without committing to full-time hires. Look for contractors with 3-5+ years of Ruby and Rails experience. Vet their skills in object-oriented programming, MVC patterns, databases like PostgreSQL and MongoDB, APIs, testing, and tools like Git, Docker, and Heroku.

Opt for Ruby devs who communicate well and can collaborate smoothly. Pay rates range from $60-$150 per hour based on location and seniority. Ruby developers are in demand for startups building MVPs, larger firms modernizing legacy apps, and companies seeking specialized skills.


  • Expert knowledge of Ruby programming language - Should have mastered Ruby syntax, constructs, data types, OOP concepts, etc.
  • Experience with Ruby on Rails:  Strong grasp of Rails MVC framework, REST APIs, ActiveRecord, routing, testing, etc.
  • Database skills:  Ability to integrate PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and other databases.
  • Frontend abilities: Comfortable working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and frameworks like React.
  • API development and integration:  Skills in RESTful APIs, microservices, and third-party API integration.
  • Testing expertise:  Solid understanding of testing tools like RSpec, Capybara, Selenium, and MiniTest.
  • Agile methodology: Experience with Agile, user stories, sprints, continuous integration, etc.
  • Cloud platforms:  Knowledge of cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, Heroku, and Azure.
  • Security fundamentals:  Familiarity with authentication, authorization, encryption, SSL, etc.
  • Code versioning:  Git proficiency for managing code history and team collaboration.
  • Communication and collaboration - Ability to work closely with product managers, designers, etc.

Ruby developer jobs

Are you looking to hire Ruby developers? 

Ruby programmer job opportunities span startups, digital agencies, and enterprises across tech, finance, retail, healthcare, and more. Typical Ruby developer titles include Ruby on Rails Developer, Ruby Engineer, Ruby Programmer, and Full Stack Engineer. National average pay is $85k-$110k according to PayScale, with higher salaries in tech hubs like SF and NYC.

Ruby jobs require object-oriented solid programming fundamentals, MVC patterns, unit/integration testing expertise, and team collaboration abilities. Experience with Ruby web frameworks like Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, and Hanami is a must. Knowledge of adjacent skills like React, Kafka, and ElasticSearch is a plus.

Offshore Ruby developers

To access specialized Ruby talent and reduce costs, many firms look offshore. Top offshore destinations include India, Iran,  Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Carefully vet offshore Ruby teams on technical capabilities, communication, and data security. Pay close attention to reviews. Rates can be 30-50% less than U.S. or Western Europe.

Clearly, scoped project work is a good fit for offshore Ruby developers versus open-ended roles—factor in extra time for coordination. Overall, an offshore Ruby development team can be cost-effective if you find the right partner and manage expectations well.

Step Up Your Ruby Development with WINaTALENT

Our dedicated Ruby developers are hand-picked for their experience building robust backends with Ruby on Rails. They can work remotely or on-site to create MVPs, modernize legacy apps, implement best practices, and scale your team.

Browse profiles of developers vetted for their Ruby and Rails expertise. See project examples, reviews, rates, and specializations in APIs, testing, security, React integrations, and more.

Simply submit your project needs, and we will match you with the most qualified Ruby developers for the job. Whether you need an app built from idea to launch or help to improve existing code, our network has the specialized skills to deliver.

Say goodbye to endless Ruby developer searches and risks. Discover your perfect freelance Ruby programmer today on WINaTALENT. Our team takes care of the hiring process so you can focus on your product.